Burkitt Productions Burkitt Productions

Burkitt Productions

  • Education
  • Local & Supplied In South Yorkshire
  • Photography

I am a Photographer, therefore, I am.



As a child of the 1970’s and a teenager during Thatcher’s 1980s my formative years played a massive part in me becoming the person I am today.

Firstly, I am a human, a husband, a dad, a son, a brother, uncle and great uncle! Secondly, I am strong enough, and have the freedom of mind to be honest. Over the many years I have been around, I have observed that the two fundamentally important things in life, are family and freedom.

Currently I live in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, the town where I was born with my wife Kirsty. I (work) as a Photographer, Educator and a leader. Really, I feel like I am just a photographer. I can’t put photography down, it occupies far too much of my waking and sleeping moments, my wife Kirsty refers to herself as a Photographers widow! She is correct; I am a photographer; therefore, I am! For the last 20 years, photography has consumed me.

If you have a photography project you need help with, give me a shout anytime!


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