
Cutlers’ Company Awards 2017

The Cutlers’ Company traditional annual emergency service awards this year included two high profile female officers who have shown tremendous commitment to the task of keeping residents of South Yorkshire safe, and officers who received national bravery awards from the Prime Minister.

The Cutlers’ Company awards, made to an individual and group in both South Yorkshire Police and the South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, acknowledge the commitment of the emergency services in maintaining that stable and safe environment which is so important to all businesses.

The individual winners were Acting Inspector Gayle Kirby for her work with the anti-social behaviour team in dealing with hate crime and dangerous dogs where she ‘demonstrated the highest level of leadership in … challenging circumstances’ and Watch Manager, Nicola Hobbs, a fire fighter for ten years who has had a huge impact on the Community Safety Department which she joined 18 months ago. She works particularly with young people.

The team awards went to B Rota Local Policing Team Sheffield West who dealt with an horrendous drug fueled axe attack which resulted in two officers being injured. Their bravery resulted in an invitation to No 10. The second team award was made to the Community Fire Safety Officers and High-Risk Coordinator Team who work with the most vulnerable in our community and through whose efforts accidental fires have decreased by 11 per cent this past year.

The winners were presented with certificates and a cup and, in keeping with tradition, each was present with a cheque from the James Neill Trust for the charity of their choice.

Beneficiaries this year were The Sick Children’s Trust, Magnolia House, The University of Sheffield’s Centre for Stem Cell Biology, Barnsley Animal Rescue Centre and the Sheena Amos Youth Trust.

In congratulating the winners, the Master Cutler, Richard Edwards, said: “There has been much deserved praise for the emergency services nationally in recent months, particularly in London and Manchester. I am delighted to be given this opportunity to thank our own emergency services for all the work they do maintaining the safety and security of us all. The quality of the entrants this year was of an exceptionally high standard with many incidents of bravery and courage shown by South Yorkshire officers. That made our task all the more difficult but also reflects the calibre of the emergency services we have in South Yorkshire.”

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