This event will be delivered by Westfield Health and Next Level Fitness as part of a series of events put together through the Chambers Health & Wellbeing Forum.
Change, uncertainty and apprehension can cause negative emotions and left unchecked; our feelings of low mood will have an impact on our energy levels. Our actual energy levels and perception of our own level of energy and fatigue will determine how well we feel at any moment in time and dictate how well we perform.
If we think of our energy levels as an account – there will be withdrawals and opportunities for deposits throughout the day. The world out there will take care of withdrawals, but there is much we can do to make regular deposits to ward off fatigue and ensure we keep engaged, productive and well.
This webinar introduces the concept of Personal Energy Management with practical tips and ways to operate and work in a smarter way.
Webinar Content
Participating in this Webinar will assist employees to: