
Rotherham students mark Armistice Day with large art display

Students at Wath Academy are marking Armistice Day with 39 large poppies displayed on the railings outside the academy to depict the 39 alumni who died during World War II, the names of the fallen are listed on large banners as part of the display.

Representatives from the Royal British Legion are attending remembrance assemblies with every year group, this year focusing on ‘Women at War’.  Year 7 students have written a remembrance message on a poppy tag which will be made into a large art display later in the week.

Liam Ransome, principal at Wath Academy, said: “We have been honoured to welcome the Royal British Legion into school.

“Our students will all be taking part in a special event on Friday morning, this will include a two-minute silence, a live performance of The Last Post and a poetry reading.

“It is important that we take the time in school to reflect on the past and mark this Act of Remembrance together.”

For further information about Wath Academy visit

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