
SOM/PHE Webinars

Public Health England have a range of recordings and presentations slides for businesses as follows which you may find helpful:

21 January 2021 – Support for business to build back better – the benefits of age diversity – Webinar recording here. PDF slides here & here.

28 January 2021 2-3.30pm – Refreshing your approach to workplace diversity and inclusion post-2020 – Webinar recording here. PDF slides herehere and here.

4 February 2021 2-4pm – Managing job insecurity and creating better quality work – Webinar recording here. PDF slides here and here.

11th February 2-4pm Managing stress, burnout and fatigue in health and social care – Webinar recording here. PDF slides herehere and here.

24th February 2-4pm Promoting workplace health and wellbeing in COVID-19 and beyond – Webinar recording here. PDF slides here and here.

3rd March 2-4pm Developing a COVID secure health and wellbeing strategy – Webinar recording here. PDF slides hereherehere. Wellbeing toolkit here.

10th March 2-4pm Managing change – from restructuring, redundancy to home working – Webinar recording here. PDF slides herehere, herehere. Q&A here

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