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New FREE Business Network Meeting

July 12, 2023 at 12:30 PM- 2:30 PM

This new and exciting network meeting comes to you from the collaborative work between Reach Solutions & Cynetix.

This exciting and new network event is coming to Chesterfield and is open to all businesses of all shapes and sizes. To begin with it will be every 3 weeks and always on a Wednesday hence the name ‘hump networking’ and will be a slightly different set up to the usual professional business set ups. Come and have a cup of tea/coffee or even a pint of beer as it’s on an afternoon. To discuss your business and how you can help anyone you meet at the end. Free of charge event.

There will always be an opening speech from the 2 companies managing this event and then there will be a fresh approach to how we get people interacting and working together.

Adam & Annie are really passionate about EVERY SINGLE business attending that they get something out of the event.

  • This event has passed.


July 12, 2023
12:30 PM- 2:30 PM
Event Category:


Holme Hall Inn
Holme Hall Inn, Linacre Road
Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 4UX UK
+ Google Map