Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing Forum

Health & Wellbeing Forum

  • 5 Ways to Well-being in Lockdown

    5 Ways to Well-being in Lockdown

    The 5 Ways to Well-being are becoming more widely known and are a simple way to look after yourself and ensure some balance in your life. Here I share specific […]

  • Give – especially as it’s World Kindness Day

    Give – especially as it’s World Kindness Day

    GIVE is one of the 5 Ways of Wellbeing and is the one thing that costs nothing and can make a huge difference to the wellbeing and motivation of self and […]

  • 5 ways to wellbeing

    5 ways to wellbeing

    What I’ve learnt throughout my coaching and leadership career is, “our health is our wealth” so what can you do to make sure you lead a healthy, happy and wealthy […]

  • Be Active even during a crisis

    Be Active even during a crisis

    On Monday 23rd April 2020, the UK found themselves in the middle of the Covid-19 world pandemic, resulting in the government implementing a lockdown to help save lives and prevent […]
